
Tuesday 27 June 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: The Best of far

The Broke and the Bookish host a weekly meme called Top Ten Tuesday.

This week we nominate our list of
Best Books Read In 2017 So Far!

I'm trying everything I can to get over this blue blogging and reading funk.
What better way than to remind myself of the books I've loved (& have raved about) so far this year?

In no particular order (because making that kind of decision is a thought too far right now) my top ten books of 2017 looks a little something like this...

The after effects of this book are lingering far longer than I thought they would.

Tender and sweet, presented in a beautiful package of a book.

I loved this book when I read it, but curiously it's not lingering in the way some books do.

Really loved this one & I'm tempted to reread it soon.

I love both of Balla's books in this style.
For nature lovers of all ages.

This is one is growing in my estimation as time goes by.
Fascinating, disturbing speculative short stories.

What's not to love?
Dogs, Paris & gorgeous, fun illustrations.

A book that will now forever be tied in my mind to Cuba and Mexico.

It's lovely when a childhood favourite maintains its charm.

I only gave this little book 3 stars on Goodreads, but it's screaming reread me, reread me!
As per usual with Strout, so much more going on here than first meets the eye.

What has been your favourite read of 2017 so far?
Inspire me, tempt me, I dare you!


  1. Re the Strout book: isn't it crazy when you think you don't particularly care for a book, & then it won't let go, & you realize possibly you did like it? That's happened to me before. Most unsettling!

    1. Even weirder is liking the book but thinking it rather light & slight but gradually realising there was much more going on. I'm excited for the reread and for Anything is Possible (thanks Ali :-)

  2. After you reread My Name is Lucy Barton, you MUST try Everything is Possible.... even better than Lucy B, I think.

    1. Make that ANYTHING is Possible!

    2. Now you've got my exited!!

      I have AiP on my #20booksofsummer list, so it's close to the top of the TBR pile :-)

  3. Anonymous28/6/17

    I still have yet to read My Name is Lucy Barton. Going to check out some of the other titles you mentioned on your list, they sound interesting (and a book that lingers long after you read it is always a good sign) =)

    My TTT

  4. The Hobbit is great! Here is our TTT.

  5. Oooh, I haven’t heard of some of these. I’ll have to look them up! Great list. Here’s my T10T for this week!

  6. I agree about The Hobbit! Rockhopping and Children of the New World both lok interesting too.

    1. I think Children of the New World would be exactly your cup of tea Greg. Some of the stories are haunting me with their provocations of a future world.

  7. I had a very similar reaction to My Name is Lucy Barton. I finished it and then thought I really needed to reread it. Strout is such a thoughtful writer. Glad to see The Hobbit on your list!

  8. Anonymous30/6/17

    I read The Hobbit for the first time not long ago and I really enjoyed it. I'd tried the first LOTR book mane years ago but gave up part way through, so I was curious whether the same would happen, but I enjoyed The Hobbit so much it made me think I should try LOTR again maybe.

    1. HLOTR is a fabulous series, but fantasy is not everyone's cup of tea. I only read fantasy occasionally, so I have to be in the right reading zone to enjoy it as it should be enjoyed. It is a great story & it's also okay to skim the sometimes overwrought descriptions of place 😊


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