
Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Life According to Literature Tag

I first saw this little meme back in 2015. 
Given my ongoing blogging malaise, I thought I'd revisit it to see what my 2019 reads might reveal.

THE RULES: Using only books you have read during the year (2019), answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title. Let me know below, if you've joined in too.
  • Describe yourself: There Was Still Love | Favel Parrett
  • How do you feel: Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope | Mark Manson
  • Describe where you currently live: How Green Was My Valley | Richard Llewellyn
  • If you could go anywhere, where would you go: City of Trees | Sophie Cunningham
  • Your favourite form of transportation: The Painted Ponies | Alison Lester
  • Your best friend is: Family | Hetty McKinnon
  • You and your friends are: Ordinary People | Diana Evans
  • What's the weather like: Strong in the Rain | Lucy Birmingham & David McNeill
  • You fear: Flames | Robbie Arnott
  • What is the best advice you have to give: Create Calm | Kate James
  • Thought for the day: To Die But Once | Jacqueline Winspear
  • How would I like to die: My Sister, the Serial Killer | Oyinkan Braithwaite
  • My soul's present condition: Girl, Woman, Other | Bernadine Evaristo


  1. Fun. I think I will give this one a try. It makes me sad that your valley is no longer green and you are afraid of flames. Stay safe!

    1. I hope you do Anne.
      And I REALLY hope that the predicted rain for this weekend comes in and puts out all the fires and begins the processing of greening the country again.

  2. I gave this a go. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be!

    1. Glad you persisted though Theresa and found a different way to use There Was Still Love.

  3. Unfortunately your link doesn't appear to work, but I found you here

  4. Here is my Life with Literature post:

    Thanks for the fun.

  5. Easier said than done! I'm working on mine now.

  6. Hi there - thanks for the fun. Here's my contribution

  7. I just posted mine today here.

  8. Hi! I did this meme, too, but sadly I didn't have any transportation in the book titles I read. :-) Here's my link:


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