
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Rights of the Reader by Daniel Pennac

I found this book tucked away in a sale box. The 10 rights of the reader were written on the back cover...and I knew I had to read this book asap.
I read it in one sitting.

I would like to add a few more rights of the reader....
11. The right to highlight, make notes and dog-ear the pages.
12. The right to inscribe your name on the front page.
13. The right to press flowers between the pages.
14. The right not to lend your favourite books out to other people.
15. The right to rant, rave and write about how much you love (or hate) a book.

I'll finish off with a few quotes from Daniel..."A well-chosen book saves you from everything, including yourself."

"When a person we like gives us a book, we look for them at first between the lines - for their tastes, for the reason they thrust it into our hands, for a sign of the bond between us."

"The question isn't about whether I have time to read or not (time that nobody will ever give me, by the way), but whether I'll allow myself the pleasure of being a reader."

Happy reading!



  1. I love Pennac's book Better Than Life where I first saw his Reader's Bill of Rights - is this another book of his?? I must have it! I absolutely adore Quentin Blake's illustrations.

  2. Yes The Rights of the Reader translated by Sarah Adams is available through Walker Books, first published in 1992. I suspect I will be quoting from it often!!
    I will also look out for Better Than Life - thanks.


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