
Friday, 29 June 2012

Book Beginnings on Friday & The Friday 56

Rose City Reader hosts this meme every week for those of us too tired by Friday night to write a lengthy review!

In honour of one of my dear colleagues who has left us for new and exciting opportunities, this weekend I will read 'Young Hearts Crying' by Richard Yates.

I miss her dearly already.

She has been telling me for nearly 3 years how much she loves Richard Yates and how much she thinks I will love him too.

So here goes..."By the time he was twenty-three, Michael Davenport had learned to trust his own skepticism."

Freda's Voice hosts The Friday 56 meme.

Friday 56 goes with Book Beginnings like cheese and crackers, ice-cream and milo or tequila and lime!

Simply go to page 56 of the book you are reading and give us a taster.

"Larchmont would never be Cambridge, but the smell of this girl's hair and the taste of her mouth, the sounds of her voice and her impassioned breathing, hadn't changed at all from the times under the Army blankets on Ware Street, years ago."


  1. Oh wow, there is such a difference in tone between the Book Beginnings and F56 tat I can't help but be interested in what happens! I'm following!
    My FF
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  2. Anonymous29/6/12

    I like it! I think that's a strong beginning; much is said in those few words.

  3. I've never read Yates, either, but that's a good opening line.

    Here's my Book Beginnings.

  4. The title is so funny and I really like the beginning. I'll keep this one in mind.

  5. I adore that cover. Was the book written in the 50s?

    1. It was written in 1984, but it is set in post-war times.

  6. Oh, wow! I love Richard Yates and haven't read this one. Thanks for sharing, and here's MY FRIDAY MEMES POST

  7. Sounds like it will be good. I loved Revolutionary Road, so I should check this one out.

  8. thanks so much for visiting :)

    i've never read yates. this sounds so modern! and that cover - the vintage covers always have some really great art!

  9. Sounds like love to me.

  10. Yates is new to me as well. Sounds like a great love story, love the cover too.

  11. So sweet and innocent.


  12. Lovely writing and charming book cover, so refreshing. Following, nice to meet you!

  13. These both sound like good memes. The 56 one especially. Thanks for bringing them to my attention.


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