
Saturday, 2 June 2012

The Right Not To Finish a Book

This is a list of all the YA and teen books that I started reading but decided not to finish.
I usually made this decision by page 5.

Sometimes the writing was not grabbing my attention, sometimes the story was just not my thing, sometimes I simply wasn't in the mood.

And sometimes it was because the writing was truly awful, the story line simplistic, contrived and obvious with ghastly characters that I couldn't give a damn about!

Maybe you have a different experience with one of these books?

I'd be happy to hear about it.

Leave a comment or a link to your review to let us know what you think.

So without any further ado...ta da!
Here's is my list of unfinished reads....

The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg
Silhouette by Thalia Kalkipsakis
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Three Summers by Judith Clarke
How to Keep a Boy as a Pet by Diane Messidoro (in this particular case, I was philosophically opposed to the title!)
When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle
Holier Than Thou by Laura Buzo

The Rights of the Reader by Daniel Pennac


  1. I find it really hard to give up on a book. Especially if it's for a reading group. I'm reading Robinson Crusoe at the moment, while I don't hate it, it is a slow read, and I sort of wish I was reading something more compelling for me. I haven't read any of these titles.

  2. I did read Twilight...and I have to say you made a wise decision. My wife enjoyed the series so I thought I'd try and finish it, but halfway through the third book I just gave up.

  3. This reminded me of a very cute poster called The Rights of the Reader by writer Daniel Pennac. Among them the right to skip and the right to not finish a book. I don't think Blogger lets me embed pictures, so I'm going to link to it:

    Oh yes, and I couldn't get past the first volume of Twilight either. I don't know how I finished that one. Even making fun of it lost its charm after a point.

    1. ....aaand, I should have checked your archive first! :)

  4. Oh you made the right decision with Before I Fall. It was godawful. If I had to name a character I most hated it would be her without a doubt. If you'd like to know what you missed, here's my review of it :P

  5. Life's too short to waste it on a bad book..esp when there are so many good ones to get lost in instead :-)


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