
Saturday, 25 August 2012

Bibs and Bobs

I haven't written many book reviews lately - I seem to be experiencing some time management and prioritising issues!

Part of the problem is The Classics Club which has got me all excited about making lists, writing classic memes and thinking about what defines a classic in the first place (I can feel another post coming on...!)

Every day I now find myself checking out the Classics Club page to read what everyone else has been posting, writing comments and saying hello to new members.

I'm also reading a ridiculous number of books at once...and making little headway with any of them.

Last night I finally finished Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan (post pending while I stew over it a little longer).

But I'm also half way through Friday Brown by Vikki Wakefield, A Corner of White by Jaclyn Moriarty, Quiet: The Power of Introverts by Susan Cain, Adelaide by Kerryn Goldsworthy, I Thought it was Just Me (but it isn't) by Brene Brown and two back copies of Slow Magazine!!

I'm enjoying them all in their own way, but I don't like to blog about a book until I've finished it...hence the lack of review posts recently.

But I will tell you that two of the books are YA, two are non-fiction/psychology books and one is a travel book to whet my appetite for an upcoming holiday with my lovely hubby.

So time to stop chatting and time to start reading.

Happy reading!


  1. Why do you read several books at the same time? I do too. I just added 2 non-fictions: The New American Haggadah edited by Jonathan Safran Foer and translated by Nathan Englander and the other is The Ancient Mythology for Modern Science. I'm finishing The Tiger's Wife. I finished a third of Michel Houllebecq's The Map and the Territory.

    1. I read several books at once to cater for my different moods!! I leave one book in my work bag so I have something to read at lunchtime. I have a couple of quick, easy teen books on the go so that I can keep of top of that genre for work purposes. The rest I keep by my bed...and the book I end up reading before sleeping will depend on how tired I am or if I have a certain issue playing on my mind that day or if I just need a comfort read!!
      What about you?

  2. Happily, as of the 10th Oct all four of these books have now been read...and reviewed!!


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