
Thursday, 3 January 2013

My First Ever Readathon

I'm not sure what I'm letting myself in for but I've just signed up for my first readathon!

It's with the Classics Club which may go some of the way to explaining why (I love this group and how it has inspired me to read more classics).

The timing is also right for me. It's not only the middle of my three week summer holiday break but I will be child-free that weekend as well!

The readathon starts 5th January 8am EST USA which is midnight 6th January in Sydney, Australia.

The only stipulation is to read a classic.

If you've been um-ing and ah-ing about joining the Classics Club, then this might be the time to jump on board.

Now I just have to decide which one to read!

Happy Reading.


  1. *waves* I'm interested to see what you pick from your list now, especially since we have a few shared titles on there. :)

  2. Aren't we lucky in the Southern Hemisphere being able to contemplate a day sitting in the sun reading? I hope you enjoy your first readathon - I'm really looking forward to it.

  3. Child-free!! Definitely time for a readathon.

  4. Anonymous5/1/13

    I am looking forward to seeing which books you choose :) Also, I have favourited your blog so I can find it again easily.


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