
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Austen in August Readalong

Another month another readalong.
I seem to be a little obssessed with readalongs and the classics right now! That's a good thing right?

This month it's Austen in August hosted by Adam at Roof Beam Reader

Inside of that, Melissa from Avid Reader's Musings, is hosting a readalong for those of us who plan to tackle Mansfield Park.

And I plan to tackle Mansfield Park.

I first read Mansfield Park in my late teens when I read all the Austen's in fairly quick succession. I enjoyed it but it quickly become the Austen that I classified as my least favourite.

I found Fanny and Edmund frustrating. They both seemed too good to be true and I didn't particularly care about their love story. There seemed to me to be a touch of the 'Jane Eyre's' about this book...and Bronte did it better.

I've reread all the other Austen's too many times to count over the years. I've also indulged in many movies and BBC productions of the various books...all except Mansfield Park.

I've decided it's time to give it another go.

I have a beautiful Folio Society edition from 2003 with wood engravings by Joan Hassall.

I thought I would also dip into my bio of Austen by Claire Tomalin again this month and start 'Happily Ever After' and Jane Austen's Letters (another Folio Society book).

For anyone interested in rehashing my previous Austen posts - the links are below...

Finding My Darcy by Amanda Hooton
Do you love Jane Austen or not post for The Classics Club monthly meme.
What is my favourite classic post for The Classics Club monthly meme (where you find out just how many times I've read P&P in my lifetime....PS I read it again last month, so you can add one more to the number!)
My Saturday Snapshot post with photos from my visit to Lyme Regis to walk in the steps of the Musgroves and Anne Elliot.

I'm looking forward to a month long Jane Austen lovefest.


  1. MP isn't my favourite Austen either (I haven't read S&S yet). I read it quite a few years ago though, so don't have terribly concrete memories. Good luck with your rereading, I'll be interested to hear what you think.

    1. I guess you've been busy reading French books lately!
      I'm keen to see more of your Paris pics :-)

  2. I've come to appreciate Mansfield Park more over the years, though it will never be my favorite. Northanger Abbey is the one I really struggle to like, though.

    1. I didn't appreciate NA until I saw the BBC production with Peter Firth. It was a gorgeous Gothic piece, a little bit sexy and stacks of gratutious Bath shots!!!
      I know have it firmly stuck in my mind when I reread it and it helps!

  3. I hope you enjoy Mansfield Park, I've only seen a film version and found the story left me a bit cold. One day I'll read it though, I know the book will always be better than a film. I'm going to be reading Sense and Sensibility which I'm feeling looking forward to.

  4. Just like you I've always struggled with Fanny and Edmund. I never thought of the Jane Eyre style of the story, but there are definite similarities. I'm hoping that this reread will give us a chance to appreciate some of the bigger picture issues she deals with, since we already know the romance bit of the story. Thanks for joining in!

  5. I enjoyed The Beresfords, contemporary version of MP which I read last year. enjoy your readalong!
    I'm well into A in A with my 3rd read and a FuN JA snapshot posted for Wordless Wednesday if you have a chance to pop over to FHC...Canadian Welcome ;)

  6. Anonymous8/8/13

    I think a may be a wee bit addicted to read-a-longs too. It was a few years back, but I enjoyed Mansfield Park. I agree Fanny and Edward don't have the greatest love story of all the Austen romances. What book are you planning to read next?

    1. After A in A I really need to get back into some contemporary fiction for work...although I have been have some lovely conversations with regular customers about our favourite classics lately :-)


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