
Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Wharton Review 2014

I've been an Edith Wharton fan for more years than I care to count & I've decided it's time to do something about it.

I would like to spend the month of May reading and re-reading Edith Wharton - her books, her short stories, her bio's & other non-fiction titles.

The 2014 Pulitzer Prize for fiction was recently awarded to Donna Tartt for her novel, Goldfinch.
In 1921, Edith Wharton was the third person & the first woman to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction with The Age of Innocence.

The Pulitzer is awarded for "distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life."

Many of Wharton's books fit this criteria, but her time in Europe, particularly, in Paris, also meant that many of her books had a fascinating Continental flavour as well.

Whilst on holidays recently, I found an old 1983 Virago edition of The Reef - one of the Wharton's I've yet to read. 

Mr Books is currently in the middle of the Game of Thrones series and therefore, completely unable to enter into discussions about turn of the century New York and Paris with me! 
I'm hoping some of you will be able to come along for the ride instead.

Wharton's Goodreads author page can be viewed here if you need help getting started.
There is also a dedicated webpage called The Edith Wharton Society.

If you'd like to join in please add your blog or goodreads URL below.

Spread the word about The Wharton Review by using #whartonreview on facebook, twitter and instagram.

Copy The Wharton Review badge to add to your posts or sidebar.

I will create a master post on May1st for review links.

There is no pressure or expectation with this month long review. Simply read, blog or comment on all things Wharton at your leisure.

Happy reading.


  1. I have been wanting to read Age of Innocence since last year. So I think I'll join. I'll get something up on my blog tomorrow.

    1. Lovely to have you along Ruth :-)

  2. Sounds great!! I'm always looking for an excuse to read more Wharton. I still have about three more of her novels on my TBR shelves.

  3. What a great idea! I love Wharton.

  4. Anonymous28/4/14

    What a wonderful idea. I've loved my recent re-reads of Wharton - The Age of Innocence and The Custom of the Country - and I have a copy of The Reef too that I was given last Christmas - it's definitely calling me.

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun, I have uni and then my reading project of Middlemarch during the break so I can't join in but look forward to your posts.

  6. I love Wharton! I may have to find a book of her's that I haven't read and join in the fun.

  7. Anonymous1/5/14

    I have been meaning to try some Edith Wharton for a long time and have Ethan Frome in my TBR so I may well join you in May!


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