
Saturday, 7 November 2015

Sad, the Dog by Sandy Fussell & Tull Suwannakit

I love picture books...a hangover from my preschool teaching days I guess.

When I read picture books I tend to wear two hats - my preschool teacher's hat (will a rowdy group of preschoolers like this book? What are its educational possibilities?) and my book lovers hat (do I love this book?)

In recent years I have also added a third and fourth hat - my bookseller's beret (will this book sell? Who to?) and my blogger beanie (does this book have review potential?)

Sad, the Dog by Sandy Fussell is one of those special picture books that I can answer YES, YES, YES to all the above.

Animal stories, especially cute dog stories always work with preschoolers. Sad's need to be loved and cared for are universal needs as is his need to belong to a family. All great themes to discuss with children.

In my area of the Inner West of Sydney, where dogs are often child-substitutes, dog stories also sell really, really well. The beautiful, dreamy water colour illustrations by Tull Suwannakit add to its pick-me-up appeal.

Finally, as a blogger, I wish I could share this whole delightful story with you, page by whimsical page. But my job is to entice you enough with this post so that you will go and check it out yourselves. And you should. Soon. You will be charmed I'm sure.

This post is part of #AusReadingMonth and my Australian Women Writers Challenge.


  1. Consider me enticed.

  2. It feels wonderful to receive such a sparkling review. I'll be smiling to myself for hours (and I suspect Tull will be too). Thank you.

    1. Thank you for popping by :-)


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