
Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Top Ten Tuesday

This week's Top Ten with The Broke and the Bookish is all about our TBR piles and what ten books have we recently added to our them.

Although I've just had three weeks of glorious summer holidays with lots of reading, sleeping, eating and swimming, I still seem to have added to my TBR pile.

A few were waiting for me when I arrived back at work on Monday (yes, I have the best job in the world!) and a few were in that pile by the bed that I had accrued during the crazy weeks in the lead up to Christmas but hadn't looked at again until this post prompted me to hunt them down.

As a result my rather eclectic Top Ten recently added TBR books looks a little something like this...

1. The High Places by Fiona McFarlane
An ARC of new short stories by an Australian writer.

2. Special by Georgia Blain
Another ARC due out later this year from one of my favourite Australian writers.

3. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
A reading copy which comes highly recommended from one of my reps.

4. Freya by Anthony Quinn
An ARC still in manuscript form - love the ring binding!

5. The Tortoises by Veza Canetti
A special order that I got on on the strength of Thomas' recommendation.

6. The Gap of Time by Jeanette Winterson
Another favourite author that I hope to return to soon.

7. Hold by Kirsten Tranter
Yet another Australian ARC from one of my favourite local authors.

8. The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy
This book popped up in Being Mortal and got me curious...enough to purchase the book.

9. Radioactive: Pierre and Marie Curie by Lauren Redniss
Spotted during Non-Fiction Nov and snapped up as soon as I could source it.

10. The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert
One of my pet non-fiction topics. Although it will probably terrify me.

What new books have found their way onto your TBR piles?


  1. Anonymous20/1/16

    Love Winterson but haven't read The Gap of Time yet. Look forward to hearing your thoughts on it! Cheers, Nicole

  2. Interesting and different mix of books! I keep hearing about how excited people are for The Passenger -- I hope it's a good one!

    Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies

  3. Lots of interesting reading ahead for you by the looks of it. I don't think I've heard of any of these books. I do hate it when authors release a second book, when you haven't got around to reading their first even though you really really meant to (Fiona Macfarlane being a case in point).

    1. I feel exactly the same about McFarlane...which is why I'm DETERMINED to read this one :-)


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