
Saturday, 23 January 2016

What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

Moriarty, quite simply, writes consistently good stories about relationships and everyday life. She captures characters so perfectly that they all feel like your very own family and friends.

She covers topics and issues that have touched all us at some point in our lives.

In What Alice Forgot we tackle the whole IVF baby should we/shouldn't we/for how long conundrum.
Emotional ambiguity and shades of grey are what Moriarty excels at. She doesn't preach or suggest what's right and wrong. She lets her characters fumble through these emotional land mines the best way they can....just like the rest of us. And that's what we love about them. There's a little bit of us in them. And there's a little bit of them in us.

Alice's amnesia, which the whole story hinges on, works well as a storytelling device. It never feels contrived or overworked.
And it allows all of us (characters and readers alike) to contemplate what our (former) selves, from ten years before, might think about the person we have become today.

Fascinating page-turning stuff.

According to the Hollywood goss at the end of last year, Jennifer Aniston has been signed to play Alice Love in the movie version of the book. Mr Books is thrilled!

Shelleyrae @Book'd Out has a more detailed summary review of What Alice Forgot here.
As does Alyce from @At Home With Books here.

Also my reviews for:

Big Little Lies
The Husband's Secret
The Last Anniversary

If you'd like to include your review of What Alice Forgot to this post, please pop your link into the comments below.


  1. I liked this a lot too :)

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. I haven't read any of her books as yet, but I'd love to find the time to include one in my busy schedule soon. Life is a bit crowded this year though, and I don't know that it's going to happen. I hope I'll enjoy them when I get there.


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