
Friday, 5 February 2016

Stories & Shout Outs #8

My Christmas in Summer challenge proved to me that my attention span for reading challenges has a two month expiry date!

I happily sailed through 13/17 books in two months, but then I baulked.

I wanted to read things that weren't on my preordained list, and I wanted to read them NOW!

I also have the same problem with series.

I prefer not to read them all in a row. I need to have breaks inbetween books. It keeps them fresher somehow.

I confirmed this over the summer with the Elena Ferrante books and Harry Potter.

I read books 2 and 3 of the Ferrante's back to back. Big mistake!
By the time of I got to the end of book 3 I was ready to throw it across the room. I burnt out. I needed to get out of Naples - now!

I read the first three Harry Potter's in December, but I read something else inbetween each one. I loved rereading them. But I knew I wasn't ready to move onto no. 4 yet.

I've learnt my lesson.

Stick to readalongs and only join in short reading challenges!

With this in mind, I'm going to jump in on The Broke and The Bookish's Cocktail Conversation for this week. 

What is one book you recommend pretty much across the board -- regardless of genre or what the person normally reads?

Lately, my go-to recommendation has been Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. 
It's easy to read, fun, clever, genuine and suitable for young, old, male, female and everyone inbetween!

But as of this week, I will be recommending The Midnight Watch by David Dyer to everyone I can reach. 
I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't be intrigued by the mystery at the heart of this story about human frailty and the Titanic.

What's your favourite book to recommend to others?

Finally, this week's shout-out is purely and simply all about self-promotion. 

I edit the History, Memoir, Biography category of the Australian Women Writer's Challenge. This link is to my 2015 wrap-up post.

Happy Reading!


  1. Anonymous6/2/16

    Also struggling to complete 'Christmas in Summer' challenge and am glad to hear I am not alone.
    11/17 is my status at the moment. I balked at the end of December and end of January. Perhaps for a 'short' challenge you can choose one 'Christmas-sy' word next year without too many 'H' and 'N' letters! I think I can manage one more book for the challenge! I would recommend a book written by French writer but is translated into English: Nothing Holds Back the Night by Delphine de Vigan. One of the best selling writers in France today.

    1. Nothing Holds Back the Night sounds great & just like my kind of read - thanks for the recommendation :-)

  2. The Midnight Watch does sound very interesting! Sadly I didn't like The Husband's Secret as much as others did.

    1. Big Little Lies is definitely Moriarty's best so far, although I have enjoyed her others one as well, just not as much. They're great holiday reads and great inbetween books when reading heavier, more intense books like the Neapolitan series.

      I think The Midnight Watch will have a very wide appeal.

  3. Anonymous7/2/16

    Glad I didn't go straight to book 3 of Neapolitan Quartet then (but I did read the first chapter). The books are super intense and I have a feeling that I'm going to want to kick Nino some time!

    I can't wait for The Midnight Watch! Otherwise I'm still recommending A Little Life to all and sundry.

    1. The content of A Little Life has made me cautious about who I recommend it to.

      And, yes, I not only wanted to kick Nino, but Lila and Lena at different times too!!

  4. Anonymous14/2/16

    Christmas in Summer Challenge: FINISHED! 15 books!
    Letter N is cancelled after consulting with Brona.
    Now time to relax and enjoy my chocolate EASTER Eggs!

    1. Congrats Nancy - your dedication is inspirational!

  5. Anonymous14/2/16

    Christmas in Summer Challege: FINISHED! 15 book read
    Letter N is cancelled after consulting with Brona.
    Now time to relax and enjoy my chocolate Easter eggs!


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