
Monday, 11 July 2016

TBR Booksnap #1

I am reading, but not quickly or a lot right now.

I have two wonderful books on the go - Helen Garner's Everywhere I Look and Wallace Stegner's Angle of Repose.
Both books deserve to be savoured. I don't want to rush either of them, but at the same time, I can feel my #20booksofsummer (winter) challenge slipping out of my control! Oh well.

Given the week I've had, things like reading challenges have slipped right off the radar.

Mr Books took on another job for a month to help out a friend, my dad had major surgery and we had a fire at work.
Well, not actually at work - to be precise it was above my work. An apartment fire that required rescue action from my boss and myself when we spotted it. The fire brigade did a very thorough job in completely dousing it but we have been dealing with sodden carpets for over a week and it has left us with that ghastly lingering smoky/soot smell and a bit of a mess out the back.

I've been lucky to read a couple of chapters a day, let alone blog sensibly!

Perhaps because I've been a little anxious this week, things have been getting to me that normally don't.

Things like dirty socks on the floor and empty cups in the lounge room ... and my out of control TBR pile!

How on earth am I going to get my TBR pile under control if I'm only reading a couple of chapters a day....and almost daily, growing said TBR pile - thanks to rep ARC's turning up at work almost every day?

Stegner's 'angle of repose' refers to an engineering term that measures the critical point were a loose pile of stuff rests before slumping further.

One bleak winter's evening last week, I seriously considered testing the angle of repose on my TBR pile. A la Marie Kondo, I was going to pile them all on the floor together to see how they rolled and to see what joy was sparked!

But the thought of cleaning it up afterwards killed the idea before it was fully formed.

Then I thought about all the words I could spell using the titles in my TBR pile...and before I knew it, I had spelt my name in books.

Maybe this could be a way to keep my TBR front and centre of my attention - making piles that spelt out words or grouping them thematically? Just for fun?

Maybe I could start a TBR booksnap?

Would you join in?
Have you got enough books on your TBR pile to spell out your name?

Have you read any of my name pile? Which one should I read next?

If we get enough interest, I may even get creative and make a button! And commit to a regular meme.

But for now, share your TBR booksnap below - spelling out your name/blog name or whatever name you're most comfortable sharing.

And let's see what happens.


  1. Anonymous11/7/16

    I love this idea. Most of my TBR pile is of the e-book variety but I'll browse my hard backs and see if I can put together a decent book snap.

    1. Look forward to your selection :-)

    2. Anonymous21/7/16


  2. Anonymous11/7/16

    All my books are photo, but I did manage to make a list!
    North (poems S. Heaney)
    No Gifts from Chance (bio E. Wharton)
    Confessions of Nat Turner
    You could look it up (reference book)

    Burning Days (Sh Stories J. Salter)
    Realpolitik (non-ficton)
    Nicholas and Alexandra (bio)
    Separate Tables (play)
    Your next book should be De Vigan!
    Hope the dust has settled after such a'e venteful week'
    Tomorrow the house painters are arriving...too much excitement for the cats,I fear.

    1. Anonymous11/7/16

      Forgot the U = 'Under the Volcano' !

    2. ba ha - glad you found the U!!

      I had to stretch a bit to find a Y book too.

  3. Intriguing idea! Just popping off to see if I can do it. If I can't spell FictionFan, though, I might see if I can spell 'Procrastination' instead... ;)

    1. Ba ha!!

      Hope you can find enough books to join us.

  4. Like it - compiling my piles now - should be reading the books really!

    Loved Angle of Repose. I haven't read any of the books on your pile and wouldn't know which one to suggest - maybe The Round House???

  5. Bahaha, I totally vote for this as a thing. I kind of failed--I had to cheat and use an author's name for my E, and when I tried to do my last name I discovered that Ns are really hard to come by.

    1. I left my other names out deliberately - my middle required another Y and one was hard enough to find! My surname also meant finding another N which would have been tricky.

  6. I've now posted my TBR Snapshot -

    I hope you continue this - I have a pile spelling out my blog name - BooksPlease!

    1. Thanks for your entuasiastic response - perhaps Blog Name will be the next challenge since everyone is all making their names with books :-)

  7. What a brilliant idea Brona, I have lots of books that I could feature :-)

  8. Hope you can take a pic of your selection and join in. I love seeing what others have lurking in the TBR piles :-)


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