
Saturday, 20 October 2018

24 Hour Readathon

Can you believe it's time for another Readathon? 
Where does that time go? 
All the details for how to join in are over at Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon
The rules are very relaxed, join in as little or as much as you like. 
Read for all 24 hours or fit in as much reading as you can, when you can.
The idea is to read as much as you can with a supportive, fun group of bookish friends.

Any Australian or NZ readathoner's who'd like to keep in touch, especially during the long dark-night time of the northern hemisphere (ie our Sunday afternoon) when it feels like we're reading all alone, use the #ANZreadathon tag on twitter and say 'hi'.

I'll be using this post to update my reading stats and join in any memes or quizzes.

My Books:

Les Miserables
Starting pg: 954

Romantic Outlaws
Starting pg: 310

Starting pg: 78

William Trevor: Last Stories
Starting pg: 122

The Slightly Alarming Tale of the Whispering Wars (Bronte Mettlestone #2)
Jane Doe #1
The Restless Girls
The Afterwards


Opening Meme:

1. What part of the world are you reading from today?

I'm in Sydney, Australia.
Which means my start time is 11pm Saturday - most of my readathon will actually fall on my Sunday 21st October.

2. Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

I like to use the readathon to help me finish those half-read books that have been lurking by my bed for too long - it's very satisfying to finally finish a few of them. And when I get tired late Sunday afternoon, I love jumping into a few kids books. Their always fun, quick and easy to read, but also help me feel virtuous about getting some work reading done :-)

(I work in an Indie bookshop as the children's buyer)

3. Which snack are you most looking forward to?

My nan's famous choc slice (which I made to help B18's HSC study plans, but I'm sure he won't mind if I have a few slices myself!)

4. Tell us a little something about yourself.

I'm also a pokemon go player (my why I love pokemon go post is here). 
I will probably disappear for a couple of hours Sunday afternoon to go and join in the latest Community Day event.

5. If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today?
Every time I promise myself not to get distracted by external things like twitter and instagram and every time I do.
My plan this time is to limit SM time to 10 mins at the end/beginning of each hour.
I also need to go for regular little walks to clear my head.



11pm - midnight
36 pgs of Frankenstein

Midnight - 8am

8am - 9am
5 pgs of Frankenstein with breakfast

9am - 10am
morning walk & 7 pgs of Frankenstein

10am - 11am
15 pgs of Frankenstein with coffee and banana bread

11am - midday
family time

Midday -1pm
It may not look like I'm making much progress with Frankenstein...but look how small the font is and how close set the type is on each page!

12 pgs of Frankenstein

1pm - 2pm
17 pgs of Frankenstein  - FINIS 
(92 pgs in TOTAL)

2pm - 5pm
Pokemon Go Community Day
In which I caught several shiny Beldum, met several new local pokemon-ers and read nought :-)

5pm - 6pm
30 pgs of Les Mis - all caught up on my chapter-a-day challenge

6pm - 7pm
11 pgs of Romantic Outlaws, snacked and prepared dinner

7pm - 8pm
Family dinner & watched the news - no pages read.

8pm - 9pm
Bubble bath & 22 pgs or Romantic Outlaws

9pm - 11pm
Started & finished The Afterwards by A. F. Harrold - 224 pgs



8 hr overnight & 1 nap

3 walks
1 bath
1 Pokemon Go Community Day
1 longish phone call
1 TV break to watch the news


  1. Les Mis on readathon day?!?!? You are awesome! I loved that book, but it's not easy. Happy readathon and I hope you get tons of reading done (while still having time for the Pokemon day). I'm hoping this pregnancy won't have me so tired that I nap too much today.

    1. Lovely to see your face pop up this morning Melissa!! I'm so very excited about your baby news :-)

      I'm a few chapters behind with the Les Mis chapter-a-day readalong so thought today would be as good a day as any to catch up. It's also turned out to be rainy and cool again, so a perfect reading day.

  2. Les Miserables and Frankenstein? Great choices. I'm Australian too and today is the ideal day for staying in and reading.


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