
Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Stories & Shout Outs #20

A heads up.

Google+ is about to go. This may affect your ability to interact with blogs, emails and other social sites that you use Google+ to log in with. Here in blogger-land we've been getting loads of emails and messages about how to get ready for this. I've now reactivated my blogger profile account and have crossed all my fingers and toes for a smooth transition.

I know that many of you find commenting on blogger blogs a difficult and frustrating process. It is certainly not a phone or device friendly platform. And I'm grateful to all of you who persist.
If any wordpress bloggers know of a way to import my nearly ten year's worth of blog posts with ALL the hyperlinks intact, then I would move over in a heartbeat.

Now that the house-keeping chores are done, let's sit down with a cuppa and a hot-cross bun and enjoy a bookish chat.

What I'm Reading Right Now 

Putney by Sofka Zinovieff (wow, what a disturbing, thought-provoking story!)
Jokes For the Gunmen by Mazen Maarouf (a 2019 Booker International longlist contender).

What I'm Struggling With 

The clutter in our house...

New to the Pile 

...not helped by adding more books to the pile!
Fortune by Lenny Bartulin
Zen and the Art of Happiness by Chris Prentis

Keeping My Eye On

The SHADOW JURY for this year's Man Booker International longlist.

Read but not Reviewed

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (an amazingly good retelling/interpretation with one of the most tender love scenes I've ever read.)

On My Radar

Zoladdiction in April with Fanda.
Dewey's 24 hr readathon - 6th April - don't forget to sign up if you're planning on reading along, even for just part of the day.
April is also the month that Ruth @A Great Book Study has decided to read A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft. If I can read it around Zola's The Belly of Paris, I will. After reading a bio about Mary and her daughter, Mary Godwin Shelley last year, I've been keen to finally read this early feminist work.
The Count of Monte Cristo chapter-a-day readalong - 9th May - with Nick.
Daphne du Maurier Reading Week -13th - 19th May - with Heavenali.


  1. House-keeping chores NOT done..enjoying morning toast + coffee.
    I must do a grocery run but first have to get the bike
    outside. After 2 months (Jan-Feb) no book buying
    I treated myself to 20 new books (fiction, non-fiction and poetry collections.
    On my radar: reading Irish and Australian books on longlist Dublin's Literary Award. The shortlist is available 4 then I will know which books to start first! The prize announcement is 29th May 2019.
    I also want to begin reading list Greatest Australian Books (your post 23.10.2013) There are some
    great classic in the list to read!

    1. The Dublin Literary Award has the most impressive LONGlist I've ever seen!! I'll be curious to see what it gets whittled down to.
      I need to check out my GAB list again too, to see if I can tick off any more.

  2. I have been debating moving to Wordpress. It sounds like such a hassle. I am considering paying someone to do it for me because it might be worth the money to know it is all being done correctly.

    1. I've played with that idea too, but the hours involved in fixing all the hyperlinks would make it an expensive exercise. The thought of having to check the links on every single post and page on my blog for the past 10 years just does my head in!

  3. I recommend having someone move the site to a new hosting service for you. Everything about my site I manage on my own except for that; it cost me a little more than the equivlleet of a year's worth of hosting fees, but it was a one-time fee and I've never had a problem since. And no worries. When you think about all the hours you've invested in the posts and pages you've created, it's a justifiable expense in my opinion. I'm not too worried about the G+ sign-ins but I am disappointed because I was there regularly and liked the format. Oh, well: always something new to learn! Have a good week!

    1. May I ask what hosting service you use? And what were their thoughts on fixing all the hyperlinks. When I've googled it, even people who use someone to help them move still have issues with the blogger links not being moved across properly - something to do with blogger not using 'a's and 'the's in their book title links but wp does...?

  4. Sadly, I initially created a blog at both Blogger and Wordpress, but Blogger won out (though I can't remember why, really). I have often thought about moving my blog over from Blogger to WP, but it is just too many years of posts. It might be fun to just move a few at a time...but, no, the comments wouldn't go, and I'd miss that.

    So here I stay, until someone comes up with a better solution.

    1. Except for the commenting issues, I'm pretty happy with blogger. The concern I have now is the lack of blogger updates. The blogger app is no longer compatible on any modern mobile phone. It seems like they just don't care enough about the platform to invest time and money in modernising it.

      I did successfully and easily import one of my other blogs from blogger to wp, except for the hyperlinks, so that part can be done. But the thought of having to check ten years worth of links not only on all my posts but on all the pages I have listing my books would just kill me!!


This blog has now moved to Wordpress.
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