Saturday 24 March 2012

Saturday Snapshot #4

Saturday Snapshot is a non-book related meme hosted by Alyce.

This week we're off to Hawaii.

My husband and I honeymooned there a couple of years ago. It was the perfect place for a honeymoon - lots of places to stop, relax and do very little combined with wonderful scenery, history, culture and adventure.

As per usual when I travel, I had a couple of books by Hawaiian authors in my backpack. And by the time we boarded the plane home, I had a few more books with Hawaiian themes in my backpack!

"She took a steamer to the Big Island, and before they sighted land, her nostrils burned with vog - volacanic ash and fog. This was the island of seething volcanoes, of moody Pele, volvano goddess, whose boiling exhalations consumed forests, entire villages." (Song of the Exile by Kiana Davenport)

"Malia was struck once more by the landscape of black lava, where earth's crust still burped and parted, where its flesh overflowed, still giving birth....Somewhere on this island, mountains shuddered and spewed; somewhere the earth was unstitching, showings its boiling lava veins." (Song of the Exile by Kiana Davenport)

"Whenever I land on the Big Island, I feel as though I've gone back in time. There's an abandoned look to Hawaii, like it's been hit by a tsunami. I drive the familiar road, moving past the prickly kiawe trees and black sand beaches, the coconut palms with their wild parrots....I drive the black lava fields that glow with the white rock chalk that teenagers use to declare themselves." (The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings chapter 12)

P.S. It's not just teenagers who like to leave their mark :-)


  1. Love these pictures, they are so interesting. So very... igneous!
    As to your "few more books with Hawaiian themes" I'm sure you would have brought James Michener's Hawaii along if it were not the SIZE of Hawaii.

  2. I love how you have paired the quotes with the photos - really nice! Really good photos too. I enjoyed seeing them!

  3. Very cool! Pictures like that always remind me that we live on a planet that's still forming.

  4. I watched a show tonight (An Idiot Abroad) and he said that standing on the edge of a volcano reminded us that the planet is alive. It's true, but we don't often think of it that way, do we? I love your photos, I've long wanted to go to Hawaii. I've stopped over crossing the Pacific, but would like to stop. It looks fascinating.

  5. I love that you chose to share another side of Hawaii and not just the typical tourist shots of Waikiki beach and that ilk ... your quotes are pretty perfect accompaniments too!

  6. Oh, I do love how you've captioned each shot with a book quote...thanks for sharing.


  7. Great photos and I love that you combine them with the quotes.
    Hawaii is one of the places on my "definitely going there some day"-list. I hope that day isn't too far away.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. I love that you included book quotes with your photos!

  9. My husband and I went to the big island last year and it was so much fun! It was neat seeing all of the white rock graffiti that people left behind, as well as the old black lava everywhere. Your photos bring back a lot of fun memories.

  10. Marvelous captures -- loved the quotes as well.

  11. I have always wanted to go there!

  12. Interesting perspective on Hawaii since the usual pix include beaches, fronds, and hula-ing ladies. Glad you enjoyed your visit to our island state!


  13. Way cool. I like the way you left yer mark! :-)

    Great pictures - I'd love to visit Hawaii and those lava beds!! Thx for sharing!

    Thx for hopping by my Saturday!!


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