Tuesday 29 August 2017

Top Ten Tuesday Jane Austen Hidden Gems

The Broke and the Bookish host a weekly meme called Top Ten Tuesday.
Each week they nominate a topic to encourage those of us who love a good list to get all listy.
This week it's all about Jane Austen...

It would be easy to list my top ten favourite Austen quotes, but this week on TTT, it's all about hidden gems. 
So I've trawled through my memory and google quotes to find the lesser known Austen quotes that reveal hidden depths and show off her sparkling wit.

My Top Ten Hidden Gems from Jane Austen




Letter to Cassandra


Sense and Sensibility


Mansfield Park


Pride and Prejudice


Lady Susan


Letter to Cassandra


Mansfield Park


Northanger Abbey



Which one is your favourite Jane Austen quote?


  1. Brona, I cannot decide. I love them all. There is a bit of sarcasm in some, and truth and logic is others. Number 3, 4, 8, and 10 are very lovely, so I guess those are my favs; but I got a good laugh w/ #2 b/c you know, some days, if I can just accomplish that much, I have succeeded.

    1. I think JA must have been very funny in real life. The two from her letters to Casssndra still make me chuckle every time I read them!

      But the Emma quote is my favourite ๐Ÿ’œ

  2. These are great! I especially like the second one. And this is a great angle for this weeks topic, I haven't seen anyone else do something like it.
    My TTT this week.

    1. Thanks Louise you helped to validate my desire to be unique and different today ๐Ÿ˜Š (says Brona attempting her own JA witticism!)

  3. Anonymous30/8/17

    Love list of quotes, Brona! There are so many great quotes from her books, it's hard to choose a favourite; every time I re-read one of her works, I find myself discovering a new quote that I love or that resonates with me. And she can be so funny too (the quote about her hat to Cassandra had me cracking me up for some reason) :)

    1. That's why I love rereading JA too. I find something new to love each time, without fail.

  4. What exceptionally good quotes (not the usual ones, by any means) and the graphics are superb. If you make these into notecards, I would buy them!

  5. I've never read Austen but I have sense and Sensibility on the shelf, and loved the 1995 movie. Have wanted to read it ever since.

  6. Love your take on the tag this week! That last quote from Emma is my absolute favorite of the bunch. I have Emma on my shelf but haven't picked it up yet, but that quote is definitely good motivation!

    Girl About Library

    1. My job is done ๐Ÿ˜‡
      Emma gets better every time I read it, but she's not always easy to like first go round.

  7. Anonymous30/8/17

    Wonderful, wonderful post! I simply cannot decide which ones I like the best! Though #2.#3 and #9 are perhaps a bit closer to my heart! But all of them brilliant in that gentle, mocking "Austenish" way! Thank you for an awesome post...first thing I saw in the morning and it set me up for the day!

    1. It makes my day to know that I've helped start someone's else's day off so well too ๐Ÿ˜‡

  8. “You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope...I have loved none but you.”
    ― Jane Austen, Persuasion

    1. I adore this quote too๐Ÿ’œbut it didn't fit the 'hidden gem' criteria as so many of us have the very good taste to appreciate it ๐Ÿ˜Š

  9. Hi! I love this! I was going to add which one I liked best, but I kept saying, "That one's great, too"!! Love the graphics also :)
    My TTT

  10. One of my favorite bits in P&P is at Rosings when they are discussing music, and Lady Catherine demands, " I must have my share in the conversation, if you are speaking of music. There are few people in England, I suppose, who have more true enjoyment of music than myself, or a better natural taste. If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient."

    Her ego is just breathtaking. I love it and am always looking to use the line, "if I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient." I doubt that anyone would ever get the reference.


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