Although, not really.
However, it's as good a place as any to start.
The lead up to Christmas is pretty hectic for me. I work right up until the last minute, in the busiest week, in the busiest month of my work year. If we go away to be with our extended families, it also involves lots of planning and food prep...at a time when I am feeling most pressured and exhausted to boot. But, it's what you do.
It's not easy to also fit in a couple of scheduled blog posts to come due over the silly season.
This year, I managed to organise one and half such posts.
The Tailor of Gloucestor went live on Christmas Eve and I was planning a 12 Days of Christmas book tag for the 26th. All I had to do was add a few more hyperlinks to complete the deed.
But as I went to add the last link, blogger did it's new/weird thing and accidentally deleted the whole post. The even newer/weirder 5 second autosave kicked in...and the post was gone...forever.
This was the third time in as many months that I had lost a hard won post during a crucial blogging phase.
I may have swore a little.
Over the next few days, I mulled and stewed and steamed.
I have contemplated moving to wordpress many times, but the loss of ALL my hyperlinks was too much to cope with.
This time, I was ready!
All my previous hyper links will continue to exist on my original blogger site. It is too hard to change them, so I will simply have to live with it. Given everything we have had to learn to live with this year, a little hyper link angst no longer seems so bad!
So I moved to Wordpress.
Still Brona's Books, but with a slight change in emphasis to celebrate the switch. The old byline is now the main heading and This Reading Life is born!
Farewell Blogger!
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