It's a fun way to tick off another classic from our lists. It also encourages those of us who want to interact more to visit each others blogs and leave a friendly comment or two.
Click on the link above to check out what the spin is all about and how to join in.
I've spent a little time checking out everyone's lists to cross-match titles and authors as I like to read my book with someone else:-)
Last spin I read The Magnificent Amberson's with Cat.
Below is my list and a link to the clubbers sharing the book or author with me. If I've missed anyone, please let me know and I'll add your link too.
1. Possession by A.S. Byatt - Cat
2. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck - Tiny Library
3. Germinal by Emile Zola - Book Rhapsody, Cat, Several Four Many (other Zola books - Books and Chocolate)
4. My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier - Lakeside Musing
5. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson - Wandering in the Stacks
6. Tess of the D'urbervilles by Thomas Hardy - Lakeside Musing, Several Four Many
7. Ulysses by James Joyce - The Club (other Joyce books - Bibliographic Manifestations)
8. Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte - Jayne's Books, Cat (other Bronte books - Readinpleasure, Lakeside Musing, My Porch Blog)
9. Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut - Howling Frog, From Isi (other Vonnegut - Avid Reader's Musings)
10. Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe - Under a Gray Sky, Several Four Many (other Defoe books - Unscripted35)
11. Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe - Lost Generation Reader
12. Beloved by Toni Morrison - Classic Vasilly
13. Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen - Books Please
14. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf - From Isi
15. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath - Jackie Mania, What I Have in Mind Blog
16. The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov - Wandering in the Stacks
17. Complete Poems of T.S. Eliot - Aquatique
18. Diary of Anne Frank - The Club, Surgabukuku
19. Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh - Roofbeam Reader
20. Parade's End by Ford Maddox Ford - Books Please
Needless to say, I'm dreading #7 coming up, but everything else I'm ready to tackle right here and now.
If you're on Instagram share your spinning winner with the hashtag #ccspin
Come in spinner!
Early Tuesday morning Australian EST - It's official!
The spin number is #6.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles is coming my way and I get to enjoy the company of Joann from Lakeside Musing and Several Four Many as we read it together.
Tess is a reread for me. I first read it in my mid 20's and I loved all the bucolic angst and melancholy. I'm curious to see how I respond twenty years later.
What a great idea!! There are so many books here I want to read, and it would be even more fun with company. Do you suppose it's too late to scratch my list and copy and paste yours? ;-)
ReplyDelete#7 is actually my most dreaded number, too. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good spin...
DeleteIf you had any titles that matched mine but were on the wrong number you might be able to do a little tweek of your list? Just let me know so I can add your link :-)
You are so brave to list Ulysses! I take my hat off to you, Brona. We actually have no books in common for this spin. Loved Moll Flanders. It was one of those pleasant surprises as I'd been dreading it. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI only added Ulysses to my list because the club list had it on theirs! if #7 rolls around, then we struggle through it together :-)
DeleteI tried to leave a message over on your blog, but I seem to have compatibility issues with your comments page and it wouldn't let me.
You have some big hitters on your list too - it could be a challenge for all of us!
Excellent list! I also have Joyce at #7 (mine is Dubliners though, I'm not ready to take on Ulysses yet).I'm kind of hoping for #9 as that is Rebecca on my list. Slaughterhouse 5 is a great book, so you would do well with that one too. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I've added your link to #7 :-)
DeleteI did it this way on the last Classics Spin, but they picked a number for a book I was reading on my own. I'll try to match some of mine to your list and hope others will try the same. More fun to read together!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if we can do it again. :-) I'd be happy with any of those three. I hope for your sake no 7 doesn't come up !! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteLove this idea - lots of great books on your list. Hope the Spin goes your way!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! I also appreciate that you have Silent Spring on your list. It's interesting to me that nonfiction books are often left out of Classics lists.
ReplyDeleteVery smart! Is it bad if I hope they don't spin a 7? I just don't know if Ulysses and summer belong together :)
ReplyDeleteYou are very brave! I've got Parade's End on my list too and I'm secretly hoping I'll get it just to give my that final push. I've been reading it since about January...
ReplyDeleteI love that you're making sure to link up with other bloggers :) Good luck, hope you get anything BUT Ulysses! Whew! Can't wait to see what # is picked this morning. Here's my Classics Club Spin list if you'd like to stop by.
ReplyDeleteNumber 6 was chosen... looks like we'll be reading Tess together :-)
ReplyDeleteAre you on twitter?
Not on Twitter I'm sorry, but I'm delighted that we're reading Tess together.
DeleteI'm following you on Instagram though :-)