Friday 8 August 2014

Classics Club Spin #7

It's time for another Classics Club Spin - my favourite way to tick another classic off my list.

Post your 20 choices by Monday 11th August, then wait and see what spins your way.
Read your spin by October 6th and link your review back to the final post on the Classics Club.

For those of you who have spun before, you will know I like to link my books to another spinner.

Here's what spin #7 looks like:

1. Tenant of Wildfell Hall with LindyLit
2. Return of the Native with Helen @She Reads Novels
3. Watership Down with Eclectic Alli
4. A Tale of Two Cities with   The Mollyweather
5. The Brother's Karamazov with Louloureads
7. My Antonia with Jean @Howling Frog
8. Possession with Cat @Tell Me a Story
9. Zola shared author with O @Behold the Stars
10. Old Man Gariot with Fleur in Her World
11. Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes with The Mollyweather
12. The Bell Jar with Sam @Tiny Library
13. The Way We Live Now with Cedar Station & shared author with Cleo @Classical Carousel
14. North and South with Dead Writers Society
15. Picture of Dorian Gray with Emily @Classics and Beyond
16. Beloved with Meghan Rose Allen
17. Silent Spring with Booker Talk
18. Diary of Anne Frank with The Classics Club
19. Age of Innocence with Margaret @Books Please
20. Don Quixote with Another Book Blog 

If you share a title or an author with & I dont already have you listed, please let me know & I will be happy to add you. The more the merrier :-)

Until Monday, happy spinning!

Monday update: the lucky spin number is 17.

I've been wanting to read the Silent Spring for a long time, so I'm delighted to finally have a good excuse. I'm also looking forward to seeing what Booker Talk has to say about it. And thankfully, the Silent Spring is not a chunkster!


  1. What a great idea! Now no matter what number is picked you're not alone -- some excellent choice you have there :)

  2. This seems like a very fun idea. It seems that every single book in the list is well worth reading.

    Happy reading!

  3. The Bell Jar is such an amazing novel. Even if that number doesn't come up, you should read it. Just not with the 50th anniversary cover.

    1. Hmmmm sadly, that was the only cover available in the bookshop :-/

  4. Anonymous9/8/14

    Love this idea! You've got two books that I absolutely love on this list--The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and North and South--and plenty of others that I am looking forward to getting around to. (And I found some great new blogs through this list, so thank you!)

    1. I am a bit of a fan (okay obsessive!) with regency & Victorian era I feel pretty confident that both those books will become favourites of mine too :-)

  5. I'd love it if The Bell Jar came up - it was one of my favourites as a teenager and I'm keen to see if I still like it as much...

    1. That's my concern Sam - I've heard that it's better read younger. I'm concerned that a 40 something first time read will miss the point!

  6. The Dubliners is a bit intimidating, so it would be wonderful to have company in reading it! If you get #20 be sure you have a good translation. The first time I tried to read it I hated it. Later I read it in a different translation and it was wonderful. Good luck!

  7. Silent Spring is a great addition! I need to make note of this for my second CC list! I loved The Picture of Dorian Gray so I think I would vote for that one.

    I hope you get a favourite book chosen on Monday!

  8. Anonymous9/8/14

    I hope you get Age of Innocence or Tale of Two Cities. (...some of my all time favorites)
    Return of the Native was so-so. I must admit I am not a T. Hardy fan yet and will try to read more of his works just to be fair.
    Don Quixote is a reading experience and will be a long read! In my blogpost I mentioned which sections you can easily skip and not miss any of the important narraitive.
    Good luck....and we will just have to wait until Monday!

    1. We have such similar taste Nancy - I also love Age of Innocence and Tale of Two Cities - they are both rereads for me.

      I'm rather nervous about Don Quixote, esp since it has taken me so long to read The Brothers Karamazov (my spin #5 from the New Year!) It's very hard for me to get through a chunkster with my current job constantly throwing up so many attractive alternatives :-)

  9. Love this list... especially 1, 7, 14, and 19. I have the Trollope on my list, but in a different spot. Good luck!

  10. I have recently joined The Classics Club and this will be my first Spin. I do share some of the authors on your list, but none of the same books on this particular list. I've read a few of these. I am kind of concentrating on Anthony Trollope's Palliser series right now, and what got me on my Trollope kick was reading "The Way We Live Now" about a year ago. There is a really good, fairly recent mini-series based on that book that might be a good discussion for the August meme.

  11. Anonymous10/8/14

    Great list, as usual. :) I think I'd root for My Antonia, though I have a little soft spot for Don Quixote. Good luck!

  12. Got so inspired by your post and wanted to join The Classic Club for some I did it.
    Thank you.

  13. Anonymous11/8/14

    I love your approach and you have some wonderful books there. My picks would be North and South, The Age of Innocence and Possession, but I hope you find a book to love whatever the spin brings you.

  14. Anonymous11/8/14

    Ooh, I like the way you linked up to have a reading partner. Genius. I'll be interested in what you think about Silent Spring. Rachel Carson was ahead of her time and (imho) so very relevant today. Good luck!

    Sarah @WordHits


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