We took it in turns to read aloud certain chapters.
He thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever read and I had to admit it was funny in a gross kind of way.
The 39-Storey Treehouse came out a couple of weeks ago and became an instant bestseller. I thought it was about time I actually checked out what was between the covers of this incredibly popular series.
So I took The 13-Storey Treehouse to lunch with me today.
Obviously I am not the target audience for this book. But the whole time I was reading it I could hear my nephew and youngest stepson appreciating (loudly) the lemonade fountain, the marshmallow machine that follows you around shooting marshmallows into your mouth and the pillow room (designed for pillow fights of course!)
The story itself is about two procrastinating blokes trying to write a book. It comes complete with burps that become bubbles to float around in, canary cats & self-making beds! What's not to love!

The success of these books is only set to increase with the stage show being held in Sydney right now.
It's a fun idea, and certainly has been a huge seller. I remember liking 26-storey better than 13. I haven't got to 39 storey yet. I'm intrigued by the stage show- would love to get to see it, but I'm not sure that is going to happen, you're quite right though it will send sales through the roof again.