A month long celebration of all things Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.
Join us as we read, review and blog about Australian books - classics, contemporary, children's, poetry, non-fiction, short stories, popular, literary, award-winning whatever.
The only stipulation is that it has to be written by an Australian based author or predominantly set in Australia.
This is the official MASTER POST for AusReading Month where you can link all of your posts & reviews. Comments will be available on each post that I publish over the month, but this is the only post that will have the linky below.
The rules are simple: read one, two or more Australian books throughout the month of November. Write a review on your own blog and link it back here.
Visit and comment on your fellow bloggers posts to build up a community of Aussiephiles.
Each of my posts will finish with an Aussie trivia question (that I will answer in my next post). If you want to answer please do so in the comments below :-)
There will also be an Aussie Saying challenge - will you be able to work the Aussie saying into one of your reviews?!
When leaving a link below please follow the same formula to make it easy for everyone to see what your post is about and who you are.
The formula is - NAME of BOOK/POST (name of blog/your name in brackets after it).
E.g. 'Introductory Post (Brona)'.
You can keep the AusReading Month love flowing by following and commenting on Instagram and Twitter using the #ausreadingmonth and #bronasbooks hashtags.
I've been delighted with the interest many of you have taken in AusReading month in the build up phase. I hope you can all come along for the ride.
This is my first time hosting an event.
I expect I am about to enter on a steep learning curve!
Please be gentle & patient with your hostess as I work out the best way to organise things.
I am happy to accept feedback and suggestions.
But for now - it's time to open a pack of Tim Tam's, make a vegemite sandwich or 2 and settle back with a beer and your (Aussie) book of choice - happy reading!
Trivia Question: How many ships were in the First Fleet? Can you name any of them?
Aussie Saying: All froth and no beer - refers to something or someone with no substance or a bit full of themselves.
And your Australian soundtrack for today is GANGajang's 1985 hit 'Sounds of Then (This is Australia)' .
Hi Brona,
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog the other day :)
I'm a bit wary of joining challenges this year as I've joined a few late last year for this year and I've done jack all, ha ha ha... it's been a year of change for me (job move, house move, etc) so that's been my excuse so far. I'm hoping that things will settle down next year so I can participate in challenges that I said I would, lol.
Good luck with #ausreadingmonth!
Brona, congratulations! This is a terrific idea and so well put together! I look forward to checking out these links!